This Week in History – Week of Oct. 11th
This Week in History – Week of Oct. 11th
Oct. 11th
A ”monster” parade was held in Little Falls, with several bands and two thousand men in uniform all carrying torches. The parade was organized by Republicans to further the efforts to elect Lincoln president.
Little Falls progresses. There were five drunken fights in the village last night.
A young bride, married two weeks ago without her farmer father’s consent, was torn from the arms of her husband in front of the Cowen shop. As she attempted to rejoin her husband, she was “picked up like a sack of flour” by her irate father, thrown into a buggy and driven out of the village at a rapid pace.
It was announced that the Little Falls Felt Shoe Company will cease operations at the local plant, and by the end of this year will consolidate all its factory work at the St. Johnsville plant.
William Moynihan, Little Falls native and St. Mary’s Academy graduate, has passed away. Earning degrees from SUNY Binghamton, Colgate, and Syracuse (Ph.D.), Bill had leadership positions at Colgate, was director of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and lastly as CEO of the Milwaukee Public Museum. He was buried in Hamilton, N.Y.
Oct. 12th
The biggest parade celebration in the history of Little Falls was held to symbolize the faith and confidence of the local people in the NRA (National Recovery Act) and the advent of better times. The mammoth event will feature 21 bands, 50 floats, and many uniformed organizations. A children’s parade was also held.
Oct. 14th
Three New York Giants baseball players, Fred Merkle, Rube Schauer, and B. F. Dyer, en route to the Pacific coast, stayed at the Richmond Hotel, and played pool and billiards at the George Burns Cigar store. Burns, formerly from Utica, had played leftfield for the Giants. The trio also visited with Burns’ parents who reside in Little Falls.
Oct. 15th
A Little Falls newspaper described the work being undertaken in the village as ”There is a splendid public works going on, along the Grand Erie, turning the channel of the Mohawk from its ancient course and bidding its waters seek a new passage to make way for the splendid double locks of the enlargement.”
General James Garfield, a future president of the United States (1881), stopped in Little Falls to visit his friend Seth Richmond. A few years later, when taken ill while traveling on a New York Central train, he spent several days with his friend at the Richmond house at 546–548 East John Street, as there no hospital in Little Falls at that time.
Word has been received that Albert Flint has died as a result of wounds received while fighting somewhere in France. German Street, on the south side, was renamed to Flint Avenue in his honor.
A long familiar landmark, the A. M. E. Zion church at 222 West Main Street, is being torn down. The church, which served the African-American community, was established in 1889. The number of African-American people remaining in the city could be counted on one hand.
Oct. 16th
A lockout began in the mills in Little Falls as the Knights of Labor started an organizing campaign. At issue is not the employers right to discharge and to hire whom they please, but the firing and “blacklisting“ of those workers involved in union activities.
The ELITE RESTAURANT on Main Street is pleased to announce that due to the lower prices of food-stuffs, it will now serve a 25 cent dinner – Roast Leg of Lamb or Fresh Ham; Home-Made Dressing; Apple Sauce; Green Peas; Mashed Potatoes.
Oct. 17th
At Couch’s Hall in the old McKinster House, Mr. and Mrs. Powell would present the tragedy “Doughs” on Monday, “The “Apostle” on Tuesday, and “Lady of the Lake” on Wednesday.
The Little Falls Academy, the first large structure devoted to higher education in the village, was incorporated by the regents of the state of New York. The three story high stone structure, containing six large and 26 small rooms, was built at a cost of $12,000 and housed 217 students. The bell was donated by Dudley Burwell. The building was razed in 1896 to make room for the “new” Benton Hall Academy.
There is a growing sentiment in this city that the principal streets, at least, ought to be paved. That is particularly true of Main Street. The cost is to be shared by the city, the street railway company, and the abutting property owners. The use of bricks for paving has given satisfaction and should be used.
A large tree standing in front of the D. H. Burrell & Co. office building on Albany Street was blown over and struck the National Herkimer County Band building (current Little Falls Historical Society) across the street.
Jewel thief and serial killer Gary Evans entered the jewelry and coin store in the basement of the Burrell building and murdered the owner, 36 year old Little Falls resident, Gregory Jouben. Evans escaped from police and committed suicide by jumping off a bridge into the Hudson River avoiding trial and jail time.
This Week in History” is brought to you by the Little Falls Historical Society. Please Visit the Little Falls Historical Society Website and please consider supporting the Museum by becoming a Member. Download the membership form here!
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